The Right Approach to Interactive eBook Development

With the digital revolution at its peak, practically no aspect of our lives has remained untouched by it. Understanding the importance of the digital landscape and the plethora of opportunities it offers, educational institutions and publishers are turning towards the digital ecosystem to stay relevant and updated.

For many, this simply means transforming the printed version of their content into the digital version. However, doing this is scaling down the potential of the digital landscape.

A perfect example of this is digital comic books. Instead of merely replicating the experience of its printed counterpart, you can aim for creating an augmented user-experience. For instance, when you click on a dialogue, it can change the expressions of the comic character. Another excellent way is to use pop-ups in an intelligent manner to add depth to the reading experience.

Interactive ebook developmentInteractivity: Is it all about animations and pop-ups?

It is an established fact that Internet users have a short attention span. Adding quizzes, videos, pop-ups at regular intervals during interactive eBook development is a great way to keep their attention intact.

Interactivity is based on the principle of turning the user into an active participantinstead of a passive receiver. It has 2 implications-

(i) Interacting with the screen- Primarily involves touching the screen (click, drag, drop)
(ii) Interacting with the content- Induces the user to respond to the information instead of merely receiving it

If animations, pop-ups, etc., have been included merely for their face value and do not add value to the overall content, the users dont take long in recognizing it.

Use videos wisely
It is a common practice to include YouTube videos to explain a concept or process in detailed and easier manner. However, such a video may introduce the user to a host of other related videos. This, in turn, distracts the user from the original publication.

Does this mean that you should lose out the opportunity of keeping your users engagedwith the help of enticing videos? Not really. There is a fine line between adding value to your content with the help of interactivity and ensuring that it doesnt become a cause of distraction. This often becomes difficult to identify. In such a scenario, experts can help in creating the right balance between interactivity and text.

Do not underestimate the importance of a right layout
Choosing the right format for your digital content plays a key role in creating a good user experience. There is no one universally preferred layout. It purely depends on the nature of your content. For instance, before undertaking interactive eBook development, you might decide between choosing fixed or reflowable layout depending on your content and its intended use. 

If you want to pave way for the successful digital content, it is important to consider interactivity, a baseline for your digital content publication.

Having a tough time in taking crucial decisions pertaining to your digital content? You can simply drop us a mail at and get a free consultation from our experts.
