Top 6 Mistakes To Avoid In Digital Typesetting

As authors heading towards a digital journey, Word Processors are gaining widespread popularity for typesetting the content. Unfortunately, many authors are still unaware of the nuances of digital typesetting. Here is a short guide for authors to avoid common mistakes while typesetting -

Not being able to distinguish paragraphs properly

It is necessary to make the paragraphs clearly distinguishable. Otherwise, readers would find it hard to read. You can do so by two methods - either you can indent the very first line of all the paragraphs or you can make use of paragraph formatting i.e. separating paragraphs by something like a blank line.

Creating huge headings

Headings are supposed to be distinguishable, but not to that extent that they start looking like an eyesore. Therefore, avoid using another font for headings, though there can always be some exceptions. Also, in any case, do not make the text size of the head bigger than that of the body.

Not providing the clear and precise author, titles and pages

The most critical mistake an author commits while digital typesetting is not to provide his readers with essential information regarding the name of the author, year of publishing, edition, etc. And therefore, it is extremely important to mention who created the book on the very first page itself. Apart from that, the respective edition/version and year of publishing should also be mentioned.

Showing indifference towards breaks

You should pay thorough attention to both line breaks and hyphenation. To prevent adjacent elements from getting separated by a page break or line, make use of non - breaking spaces. Also, non - breaking hyphen avoids compound modifier’s different elements.

The insufficient orientation of the figures

Both text and figures need to be similarly oriented. This is crucial as it provides a good reading experience to your readers. Otherwise, readers would have to constantly rotate the document.  
If you find this task a little difficult, then you can get it done with the help of an expert hired from professional typesetting services.

Highlighting important text in inappropriately

Authors often take measures to highlight a certain word, phrase, sentence or a whole paragraph to indicate its importance. It is more important to note that very often using bold or underline for this purpose can make your text appear blotchy. In such cases, with the help of modern-day programs like Word Processors, italic typefaces can be easily used. Additionally, reserve the use of quotation marks. Use it only when it has some specific purpose to serve.

To conclude, to achieve perfection while typesetting your content, it is vital to opt for sophisticated technologies and take assistance from the right support team. Professional typesetting services can come to your rescue as their experts are well - equipped with the required skill sets.

SunTec Digital provides digital typesetting support to authors and writers. If you are interested in having consistent quality and enhanced readability in your content with the help of professional typesetting, then drop a mail at to get started. 
